The European Parliament

The European Parliament (EP) is one of the legislative bodies of the European Union and one of its seven institutions. Together with the Council of the European Union (known as the Council and informally as the Council of Ministers), it adopts European legislation, following a proposal by the European Commission. The Parliament is composed of 720 members (MEPs), as of the June 2024 European elections.


Entities in the European Parliament

Non Attached members 2

The long-lasting exclusion by other parties and parliamentary groups, the so-called cordon sanitaire, led to the situation, that the majoritarian group within the group of non-attached MEPs originated (in almost every election period) from the far right end of the

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Non Attached members 3

After an internal split within the german Repubiklaner (Rep) and subsequently within the TGER the group of non-attached far right MEPs got significantly bigger in size. The italian MSI was already excluded of the TGER from the beginning of the

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Non Attached members 4

Despite the electoral and general boom, the far right experienced throughout the whole of Europe, it didn’t manage to create an independent group in the EP. The long-lasting exclusion by other parties and parliamentary groups, the so-called cordon sanitaire, led

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Non Attached members 5

While some far right parties joined the UEN I and the british UKIP (co-)founded the EDD group, the french FN and the belgian VB tried again to form a technical group. When this possibility was abandoned judicially in 2001, they’ve

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Non Attached members 6

Neben den Fraktionen UEN II und Ind/Dem blieben eine ganze Reihe extrem rechter Parteien in dieser Legislaturperiode fraktionslos, nur kurzzeitig unterbrochen von der fragilen ITS-Fraktion. The long-lasting exclusion by other parties and parliamentary groups, the so-called cordon sanitaire, led to

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Non Attached members 7

Die ECR I- und erst recht die EFD-Fraktion boten zwar einigen extrem rechten Parteien Platz. Dem anhaltenden Aufschwung der europäischen extremen Rechten, aber auch den fortbestehenden ideologischen Unverträglichkeiten untereinander geschuldet, blieben trotzdessen eine Menge von ihnen über die gesamte Legislaturperiode

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Non Attached members 8

When, after a year since the election period started, the ENF group had been founded, only a few far right MEPs from Germany, Greece, Hungary and Poland remained non-attached. The long-lasting exclusion by other parties and parliamentary groups, the so-called

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Non Attached members 9

Mit dem Real-Brexit im Februar 2020 verlor die fraktionslose extreme Rechte ihr absolutes Schwergewicht, die britische Brexit Party. Diese war die stärkste britische Delegation im laufenden EP überhaupt. The long-lasting exclusion by other parties and parliamentary groups, the so-called cordon

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With the following timeline you can explore the evolution of the representation of far-right parties and groups in the European Parliament.