Photograph of Alexander Scheuermann with a weapon posted on social media - Photo from Exif.

Mannheim attack perpetrator is part of a neo-Nazi group

At midday, 3 March 2025, a man drove his car at high speed into a crowd of people in the centre of Mannheim. Two people died and a further eleven were injured. After the attack, the driver fled and shot

Leader of Die Linke party Heidi Reichinnek celebrates a long-awaited comeback // Die Linke official Flickr page. - Foto: Martin Heinlein/Die Linke

Germany’s Far Right Rises, but the Left Stands in Its Way

The Left Party, which had an unexpected success, can pose a significant counterweight after the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party came second in German elections and invited outspoken neo-Nazis into its ranks.

PEGIDA demo in Dresden, 2015 // picture by Antifascist Europe

R.I.P. Pegida – 10 Years of PEGIDA

The final PEGIDA demonstration took place in Dresden, where it first emerged in October 2014. PEGIDA shaped public discourse in Germany, influenced the AfD, and inspired short-lived offshoots worldwide. Its rallies became a platform for international extremists, but internal fractures

Burning Crosses - Photo by Ruthington/Flickr

What is the Christian Right?

While the Christian Right is a large cohort of voters that plays a major role in shaping politics in the USA and Brazil, it tends to be invisible in many countries in secular Europe. However, here, too, it is a

AfD closing rally in Dresden, August 29 - Antifascist Europe

Victories for the far-right AfD party in eastern Germany

Elections took place in the German federal states of Thuringia and Saxony on September 1, 2024, and in Brandenburg on September 22. The far-right party “Alternative für Deutschland” (AfD) saw significant gains across all three states.

“X them out! The Black Map of Racist Violence”

“X them out! The Black Map of Racist Violence” initiative arose from the need to reveal the organised hate crimes connected with the Golden Dawn neo Nazi organisation in order for the wider public to realise the extent of its criminal activity.

A Portrait of a Modern Anti-Fascist Movement: A Closer Look

The prevailing political trends are currently putting antifascists worldwide under mounting levels of pressure; taking a cue from the Cold War tradition, this politics is increasingly branding antifascism and antifascist activity as an “underestimated danger” and “left-wing extremism”. It is time we countered this ludicrous distortion of the reality of the modern antifascist movement.

The normalization of racist rhetoric

The narrative that has been created on Roma – as Cayetano Fernández writes – is a white construct that produced the legitimization of white identity.

Post-fascism and new authoritarianism in Europe

The Italian historian Enzo Traverso defines post-fascism as the contemporary form of the fascist phenomenon: an ongoing phenomenon with continuities (legacies of classic fascism) and ruptures (loose ideology, a mixture of populism and xenophobia). In Europe, the new post-fascist nationalism no longer targets – as it did in the 1930s – other nations, and in particular European nations, but rather immigration and Islam. Populist demagogues are seizing power with a bigoted agenda. Xenophobic, nationalist and racist parties are being reinforced.

United Against Hate: A Kilo of Information on the Spanish Far Right

De los neocón a los neonazis (From Neocons to Neo-Nazis), the collective volume edited by Miquel Ramos and Nora Rodríguez, was launched in October 2021 with a presentation that turned into a ceremony to celebrate the union of the publications El Salto and La Marea, in their converging paths to unmask the Spanish far right.