Antifascist Europe

Antifascist Europe is an antifascist research project spanning activist initiatives, journalists and researchers from around Europe who monitor the development and transnational networks of far-right and right-wing populist parties as well as white supremacist, neo-Nazi and fascist groups.

By providing analysis, research, and data on far-right networks across Europe, we contribute to a more accurate understanding of the threat they pose. By fostering collaboration and knowledge among European antifascists and allies, we aim to eradicate this threat, end fascism, and build a safer Europe for all.


Sticker with a crossed-out face of FPÖ's Herbert Kickl in Austria - By Ivan Radic CC2.0

Elections in Austria: How dangerous is the FPÖ?

On September 29, Austria will hold its national elections, with the far-right Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) leading the polls with 30% support. The FPÖ is an openly far-right party—its lead candidate, Herbert Kickl, describes himself, like Adolf Hitler, as the “people’s chancellor.” How likely is an FPÖ victory, and what dangers could it pose for Austria?

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A 2014 demonstration in Berlin - By SSLreporter - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Who are the Reichsbürgers in Germany?

The following text introduces a far-right movement in Germany whose followers believe that the “Deutsche Reich” continues to exist and that the elected government is illegal. Although its rejection of the state makes it seem bizarre, it is dangerous and has grown considerably in recent years due to the crises in Germany.

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Stephen Nikola Bartulica from his Facebook post about CPAC.

Great Friends of the Croatian Far Right

After the Homeland Movement (DP) became part of the ruling coalition, it first attacked the independent media because of its allegedly “anti-Croatian agenda.” The same media exposed the DP leaders as those with questionable asset declarations and finances who cooperate with the right wing from neighboring countries, which has pretensions to Croatian territory.

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The Freikorps of Tomorrow

In Russia, right-wing extremists have succeeded in forcing the resignation of the chairman of the State Duma’s Nationalities Committee, Gennadij Semigin. The episode shows how influential Russian fascists have become, especially in the military.

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