June has been marked by the elections in Andalusia, in which Vox presented Macarena Olona as a candidate, despite the fact that he fraudulently registered in a house owned by another member of the far-right party in Andalusia as the Statute of Autonomy Andalusian forces candidates for the Andalusian Parliament to reside in this autonomous community. In the elections, held on June 19, the party led by Santiago Abascal won 14 seats, two more than he had but far from the expectations they had in Vox after having won, in the elections in Castilla y León, the vice presidency of the community. Even so, the speech of the party after the elections has been centred on celebrating the defeat of the parties of the left in front of the Popular Party, which has obtained the absolute majority in the Andalusian Parliament precisely, according to defence from the PSOE, by the useful vote for that Vox did not increase its political representation in Andalusia. https://www.rtve.es/noticias/20220620/elecciones-andalucia-2022-coste-escano/2384443.shtml https://www.diariodesevilla.es/andalucia/Juan-Espadas-PP-recibir-Vox01696932428.html
Another major milestone of the month has been the jump to the fence of Melilla by sub-Saharan migrants on Friday, June 24, in which at least 24 people died at the hands of Moroccan police. Faced with the denunciation of human rights violations, Vox has responded to this tragedy by demanding the defence of the Spain-Morocco border by NATO, which held its summit in Madrid the following week. . The NATO summit, held in Madrid from June 28 to 31, has also meant differences between groups and far-right political parties. In the face of Vox’s militaristic and pro-NATO discourse, smaller groups and parties such as the Falange or España2000 are demanding the departure of NATO from Spain, a military organization that they interpret as interfering with Spanish sovereignty. https://elfarodemelilla.es/vox-melilla-condena-el-ultimo-asalto-al-vallado-fronterizo/ https://twitter.com/lafalange/status/1542525017581305857 https://twitter.com/Espana_2000/status/1540823196215173121
At the judicial level, the far right in Spain has joined forces to overthrow Mónica Oltra, vice president of the Valencian Country for the Compromís party. Oltra has been charged in court with allegedly hiding information about a sexual abuse case for which her ex-husband was convicted in 2019. The charges against Oltra include lawyers José Luis Roberto Navarro, leader of the extra-parliamentary and far-right party España 2000, and Manuel Salazar Aguado, of the National Association of Brothel Premises (Anela). Both were also lawyers for members of the far-right Anti-System Front organization arrested in 2005 for selling weapons for arms trafficking. https://www.elsaltodiario.com/extrema-derecha/terrorismo-sin-existir-justicia-espanola-advertencias-internacionales https://www.elsaltodiario.com/extrema-derecha/quien-es-quien-acusacion-monica-oltra-espana-2000-segui-vox
International connections
The events that took place in France, in the Saint-Denis district around the Champions League match between Real Madrid and Liverpool, showed La Falange’s link with Laura Lussaud, who was invited on June 10 to give a lecture at the headquarters of this match in Madrid within the cycle #Viernes CulturalesLaFalange. Lussaud, a member of Le Pen’s French National Front since he was 13 and founder of the Committee for Liaison and Aid to Nationalists, which provides legal and all-inclusive support to people of far-right ideology with judicial problems. https://twitter.com/lafalange/status/1535324825664856065
The elections in Andalusia also brought to Spain Georgia Meloni, founder of the Brothers of Italy party, invited to participate in the rally that Vox held in Marbella on June 12. https://twitter.com/Vox_mundi_/status/1536399899033468929 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBfQiZCsAyU&abchannel=LibertadDigital https://www.elespanol.com/espana/politica/20220613/georgia-meloni-vox-marbella-esperanza-espana-europa/6799324230.html https://www.publico.es/internacional/georgia-meloni-lider-ultraderecha-italiana-representa-quiere-santiago-abascal.html
From Falange, they have also shown their support through social media to the members of Amanecer Dorado who were tried that month in Greece. https://twitter.com/lafalange/status/1537758103344713728
For their part, as part of the jump to the fence of Melilla, Vox has retweeted comments from the president of the French party Rassemblement National Jordan Bardella and the MEP Jerome Riviere, a member of the French party Reconquête! https://twitter.com/JBardella/status/1540397009441546241 https://twitter.com/jeromeriviere/status/1540296229795536896
On June 24, Jorge Buxade, of Vox, met with Claudiu Tarziu, a Romanian deputy and member of the Romanian party Alliance for the Union of Romanians. According to Tarziu on social media, they soon hope to “reveal important plans together.” https://twitter.com/Claudiu_Tarziu/status/1540346966579748866