February 6 Demonstration of Democracia Nacional neonazi party under the slogan “White Vests against the health dictatorship” and against child vaccination https://twitter.com/DNacional/status/1490320676187688964 https://twitter.com/DNacional/status/1490311017867452416
Nazi tribute in Madrid to the Blue Division, the Spanish fighters who fought with the III Reich https://www.elplural.com/sociedad/neonazis-vuelven-tomar-cementerio-almudena-sin-su-musa-fascismo-antijudios284311102
Transphobic attack in València https://www.levante-emv.com/sucesos/2022/02/12/ataque-transfobia-valencia-travesti-asco-62603980.html?fbclid=IwAR1FAQmwJy14LIN3svPZQfuiYB6ul5s48Oeev6aLhF-OV6weykRdqo6ilU
The Prosecutor’s Office requests 12 years in prison for the neo-Nazi Pedro Valera and the definitive closure of the Europa bookstore, the largest center for the dissemination of Nazi propaganda for decades. Varela, who was already convicted in 2010, is accused of glorification, justification and denial of the Holocaust and crimes of incitement to hatred against Jews https://elpais.com/espana/catalunya/2022-02-15/la-fiscalia-pide-12-anos-al-neonazi-pedro-valera-y-el-cierre-definitivo-de-la-libreria-europa.html?fbclid=IwAR05P4rEJA2bOKfiYt_n66rQEk4YCsbcjwmn20CZburJa2G-9Jtq0UCclCQ
Mobilizations of the neo-fascist organization Hacer Nación for “a public, national and quality healthcare”. Campaign in Madrid against Latin gangs. And food collection for Spanish families. https://twitter.com/HacerNacion/status/1495491030786977795
The neo-Nazi organization Bastión Frontal distributes pamphlets pointing to the Councilor for Equality of Almendralejo village in Extremadura https://www.canalextremadura.es/noticias/provincia-de-badajoz/condenan-el-reparto-de-panfletos-con-ataques-a-la-concejalia-de https://twitter.com/NibelungoMdz/status/1497609131439575041
February 26 talk at the headquarters of the neo-fascist organization Hace Nation, with the presence of two leaders of the Circolo Futurista @CircoloFuturist in Rome. https://twitter.com/Caserna2deMayo/status/1495856379227250689
Neo-nazi party Democracia Nacional action in front of the Ukrainian embassy against the war with Russia https://twitter.com/D_Nacional/status/1498252749523374083
Campaign against the war https://twitter.com/DNacional/status/1497506686843637762 and in solidarity with the Nazis arrested in Italy https://twitter.com/DNacional/status/1491510419533484041
Summary of February acts of neofascist Hacer Nación https://twitter.com/HacerNacion/status/1498016252740218881
Neonazi organization Bastión Frontal opens delegation in Murcia https://twitter.com/islamenmurcia/status/1498202569935577092 Santiago Abascal, leader of VOX far-right party uploads to Twitter some statements about the War in Ukraine where he calls to “condemn the brutal attack on Ukraine’s sovereignty and demand that Vladimir Putin back down.” https://twitter.com/Santi_ABASCAL/status/1496855449689378820
A high school teacher is attacked by several students who were protesting with Spanish flags against an LGTBI action. Several teenagers surrounded, insulted and attacked a teacher who defended some students who were carrying LGTBI flags and who were being rebuked by other students who tried to respond to the action with Spanish flags and homophobic insults. The students have been sanctioned and the victim warns about the consequences of hate speech. The far-right party España2000 has offered its legal services to the aggressors https://www.eldiario.es/comunitat-valenciana/sociedad/profesor-sufrio-agresion-homofoba-centro-betera-exige-parar-discurso-odio-reproducen-alumnos_1_8778245.html
Castilla y León Elections: The far-right party VOX rises from one to thirteen deputies, with 17% of the votes (211,000) in the elections held on February 13, 2022 in this autonomous community. The victory, however, has gone to the main right-wing party, the PP, which needs the far-right to govern. It is the first time that VOX, beyond supporting the government of the right, demands positions of responsibility, in this case, the vice presidency. Although the configuration of the government has not yet been carried out, the extreme right is pressing to make its support conditional on a series of conditions.