Key developments

American neo-Nazi on the run and creator of Serbian neo-Nazi network of “Belgrade nationalists” and “Novi Sad nationalist” are definitely located in Belgrade, according to journalist Michael Colborne, who works for the research site. He moved out of that apartment, although according to our information, he is still on the territory of Serbia. The network of organizations he created in Serbia has been dormant for several months, and even partially disintegrated due to internal conflicts, but now it is ready to act organizationally afgain.
The announced far-right conference, which was to be held in Kosovska Mitrovica, was canceled due to the arrest of the leaders of Forza Nuova, Robert Fiore and Giuliano Castellino, who were arrested in Italy due to the October riots that broke out when demonstrations against Covid 19 measures attacked and set fire to the seat of the leftist CGIL union.