
Rassemblement National / National Rally

*In English: National Rally*

Main far-right political party in France (until today). Founded in 1972 as the “National Front” (FN), it directly emanated from Ordre Nouveau, a neofascist movement, and was headed by Jean Marie Le Pen until 2011. Marine Le Pen, his daughter took over the leadership of the party then and changed its name in 2018, following her “de-demonization” enterprise: in other words, making the party look less extreme, more presentable, away from the reputation of her father.
At the 2017 elections, the FN received 21,3% of the votes at the first round, compared to 17,9% in 2012.

Formerly Eurosceptic. Nationalism, nativism, anti-immigration, anti-islam.

At the EU parliament, they are part of the Identity and Democracy group.