
die Heimat / Homeland

(„National Democratic Party of Germany“)

oldest and biggest traditional fascist Party, strong ties to the NS-subculture

3,600 members (2019)

**Short description:**
The NPD was founded in West Germany in 1964 and is the oldest and biggest traditional fascist Party.
The „Junge Nationalisten“ (JN,„Young Nationalists“, former known as „Junge Nationaldemokraten“, „Young Nationaldemocrats“) are the Youth organisation of the NPD.
They were founded in 1967 and had 280 members (2019).
In June 2023 the “Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands” (NPD, National Democratic Party of Germany) changed its name into “die Heimat” (Homeland).

– „Deutsche Stimme“, puplished monthly, former newspaper, now a magazine

**International contacts:**
– European affiliation: „Alliance for Peace and Freedom“
– David Duke (USA)
– „International Third Position“
– „Forza Nuova“ (Italy)
– „Youth Defence“ (Ireland)
– A-HSP (Croatia)
– UNA-UNSO (Ukraine)
– LDPR (Russia)
– the Secretary General, Alexander Neidlein, fought on Croatian-Nationalist side during the civilwar in Bosnia

**Primary sources:**
– Homepage: (German)
– Facebook: (English)

**Secondary sources:**
– Wikipedia: (English)