
Volen Siderov

Volen Nikolov Siderov is a Bulgarian far-right politician and chairman of the nationalist party *ATTACK*. He has been the editor of numerous newspapers and has authored five books.

In 2021, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that Bulgarian courts had erred in not upholding civil discrimination claims against Siderov for his anti-Jewish and anti-Romani statements.

Siderov reportedly espouses anti-Masonic conspiracy theories, claiming that Masons control the world through puppet regimes, international organizations, and the press. According to Siderov, these forces seek to commit genocide against Bulgarian people. *ATTACK* opposes the membership of Bulgaria in NATO. *ATTACK* insists on the cancellation of Treaty of Neuilly-sur-Seine and the returning of the Western Outlands to Bulgaria, annexed by Yugoslavia after the First World War, which consists of the regions of Dimitrovgrad and Bosilegrad in Serbia, whose population according to the Serbian national census is predominantly ethnic Bulgarian, and of the region of Strumica in North Macedonia. Siderov said that the treaty is invalid, because it was signed with Yugoslavia in 1919, a vanished state, and does not refer to the present-day Serbia or to North Macedonia and should be cancelled.

Siderov, as well as the party he’s a leader of, is a major vehicle for the Bulgarian xenophobic and homophobic far-right discource in the country for the last 20 years. The party has a TV platform, which is used as a major propaganda tool for conspiracy theories, attacks on marginalised groups and other forms of hate speech in general.

*ATTACK* was a member of a paliamentary coalition by the name “United Patriots”, conjoined by *IMRO*, *National Front for a Salvation of Bulgaria* and were part of the ruling coalition with the center-right party *GERB* from 2017 till 2021. The *United Patriots* coalition are responsible for the massive far-right leaning of the society ever since.