
Tino Chrupalla

Tino Chrupalla, born 1975 in eastern Germany, lifes in Görlitz in Eastern Saxony. He is a running a painting business. Since 2017 he is the speaker of the German far right party „Alternative für Deutschland“ (AfD). His former co-speaker Jörg Meuthen left the party 2021. In June 2022 he was re-elected as speaker together with Alice Weidel.
Since 2017 he is member of the German parliament, he won with 32,4% the mandat for the ‘Bundestagswahlkreis Görlitz’.
Chrupalla is one of five deputy chief whips of the AfD federal parliamentary group.

Chrupalla practises historical revisionism on the topic of the anglo-american air attack on the city of Dresden in February 1945. He declared that there were 100,000 victms, instead of 25,000 which is a number of the new research of historians.

He declared that the Russian Invasion of Ukraine was not only caused by Russia: „This war also has several fathers. […] Of course, the role of NATO and the role of the federal government of Germany must also be discussed here.“

He joined the AfD in 2015 an took part in a rally of PEGIDA.
In June 2018 he gave an interview for the holocaust denier Nikolai Nerling.

Inside of the AfD there exists an opposition against him declaring that he isn’t a good leader.

**First Source:**
– Homepage: (German)

**Second Source:**
– Wikipedia: (English)