
Ross Marsov

Ross Marsov is a founder of an Identitarian of Russia movement and a war correspondent in Ukraine. He is also a former nazi-skinhead.

Ross Marsow founded Identitarians of Russia in 2017, taking the European Generation Identity movement as an example. In its four years of existence, the movement has been able to firmly establish itself as a new right-wing movement of Russia with dozens of direct actions, rallies, lectures, trainings and debates. The movement published its book Generation Identity and even organised a public lecture by the British far-right politician, co-founder and former leader of the English Defence League Tommy Robinson in 2020. Identitarian of Russia was dismissed in 2021 due to an internal crisis.

Ross Marsow stresses that he supports Novorossiya since 2014. Therefore, for him there was no question in principle whose side to take in the current conflict. In April 2022 he went to the Donbass as a military correspondent. However, unlike Gleb Ervier, who received his journalist credentials from a state agency, Ross Marsov works for the small projects [Ledorub](, [Urgent Now]( and [Your News](, which are in fact Telegram channels. Already in early May Ross Marsov reported from Mariupol, where he covered the siege of the Azovstal plant, and then went to the front line in the town of Popasna. In July he returned to Russia, where he [began]( to speak about “The New Right in War”.