
Nikolay Starikov

Nikolay Starikov is a writer and leader of patriotic organisations and a moderate nationalist politician. Starikov made his debut as a writer in 2006. He began with a book “Who Killed the Russian Empire? The Main Mystery of the 20th Century”. Then there was a series about the revolution of 1917, the book “Liquidation of Russia. Who Helped the Reds Win the Civil War?” etc.

Frequent speaker at various conferences and as a guest expert on television programmes. Starikov’s writings and books have repeatedly been the subject of scathing criticism from both domestic history and economics experts and abroad.

**Political career**

The writer’s position found official expression in the public movement ‘Trade Union of Russian Citizens’, which he established in 2011.

The social activists advocate the nationalisation of the rouble and natural resources. They talk about the importance of free education. The organisation advocates the resumption of capital punishment for especially dangerous criminals. The activists also advocate a ban on the promotion of homosexuality and the loan economy.
The main ideas of the movement are reflected in the political programme of the Great Fatherland Party, which was organised in 2013. Critics call the party an attempt to create a semblance of the pro-government United Russia.
Starikov came up with the so-called internet petitions, where appeals from thousands of citizens are organised and sent to the ruling authorities. This method of public influence is used in the publicist’s social network “Internet Militia”, launched in 2012. The participants demand that the Pussy Riot group activists be stripped of their citizenship.

In 2015, Starikov, together with other public figures such as Alexander Zaldostanov – leader of the Night Wolves, politician Dmitry Sablin, powerlifter Yulia Berezikova and actor Mikhail Porechenkov, created the Anti-Maidan movement to prevent the collapse of the state.

On 14 March 2013, during the presentation in Kiev of the book “Stalin. Remembering Together”, numerous Svoboda party activists turned up and started chanting “Ganba!” (“Shame on you!”). As a result, the presentation was disrupted and Starikov left the hall. They shouted after him: “Go home, Starikov! MP Andriy Ilyenko of the Verkhovna Rada from the Svoboda Party, commenting later on the incident to journalists, said that in the capital of independent Ukraine it is unacceptable to hold “anti-Ukrainian presentations” and promote books glorifying Stalin, who was responsible for the death of millions of Ukrainians

On 16 October 2018, in a video message, he announced his resignation and termination of membership of the Great Fatherland Party