
Nicolaus Fest

Since 2019 member of the European Parliament for the AfD in Germany.

Dr. Nicolaus Fest, born 1962, is the son of the former publisher of the conservative daily newspaper FAZ.
He himself was deputy editor-in-chief of the rainbowpress newspaper „BILD am Sonntag“.
He wrotes for the BILD till he publishes an article on the topic „Islam as intergration barrier“ in July 2014. After the publishing the BILD distanced itself from him.
Later he wrote for the weekly right wing weekly newspaper „Junge Freiheit“.
Since October 2016 he is member of the AfD.
In March 2017 he demanded the shutdown of al Mosques.
On the day of the death of the President of the European Parliament David Sassoli in January 2022, Fest commented him in an internal group chat of AfD MEPs as “anti-democrat, a disgrace to any parliamentary idea”, “Finally this dirty pig is gone”.

**First Sources:**
– Homepage: (German)
– Facebook: (German)
– Instagram: (German)

**Second Sources:**
– EU-Homepage: (German)
– Wikipedia: (English)