
Marion Maréchal (ex-Le Pen)

Marion Maréchal is a member of Le Pen’s family, Marine Le Pen’s niece and Jean-Marie Le Pen’s grand-daughter. She led a political carrier with the Front National(FN), then Rassemblement National (RN) between 2008 and 2019. Marion Maréchal was a member of Parliament (2012-2017), and regional elected representative (Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur, 2015-2017). In 2017, she officially retires from party-politics to dedicate her time to the metapolitical fight, an extra-parliamentarian cultural and ideological battle. To that end, she creates a graduate school “ISSEP”. She represents a more identitarian and liberal trend, close to Eric Zemmour and Catholic scenes. On March 6 2022, she decided to rally Eric Zemmour’s campaign for the presidential elections, cutting off her historical ties with FN/RN.