
Ivan Mironov

Ivan Mironov is a Russian nationalist and a lawyer who came to prominence after he was placed on a federal wanted list in 2005 for the attempted assassination of senior official Anatoly Chubais.

**A father’s son**

Ivan Borisovich Mironov was born in 1981 in Moscow. His father, Boris Mironov, is a former chairman of the State Printing House and head of the National Democratic Party. Boris Mironov holds nationalist and anti-Semitic views and a number of his publications have been declared extremist by a court. In 2004, he was accused of inciting ethnic hatred and was placed on the federal wanted list. In turn, in an open letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin on October 19, 2004, Mironov accused him of “planting Jewish fascism”.

In February 2008, a court found Boris Mironov guilty of inciting interethnic hatred, but released him from criminal responsibility on non-rehabilitative grounds, as the statute of limitations had expired for the crimes he had committed. “In his publications, the author insulted the incumbent Governor of the region of the Novosibirsk region Viktor Tolokonsky, and the Jews. The examination found that Mironov used expressive words and expressions that were degrading”.

Both father and son Mironov hold extreme nationalist views and have even, according to the press, conducted ritual burnings of “jew-gay porn” and “sodomite” literature. Ivan Mironov himself was secretary of the board of the “People’s Patriotic Union of Russia”, a member of the executive committee of the “Congress of Russian Communities” and acted as an organiser of the “Russian March” in 2012.

**Ivan Mironov career**

In 2002, Mironov joined the State Duma apparatus, where he was secretary of the board of the People’s Patriotic Union of Russia (NPPR). During the same period, Mironov participated in the activities of the Congress of Russian Communities (CRC) and was subsequently elected to the organisation’s executive committee. In 2002 Ivan Mironov became an assistant to Sergei Glaziev, a Russian State Duma deputy from the KPRF faction, and worked at his headquarters when he was running for governor of the Krasnoyarsk territory.

In March 2005, Ivan Mironov was placed on the federal wanted list for the attempted assassination of Anatoly Chubais. On 11 December 2006 he was detained. After two years in detention, on 4 December 2008, the Supreme Court of Russia ruled in favour of his appeal against the illegal detention of Ivan Mironov, who was released on the guarantee of a number of State Duma deputies. In 2009 Mironov’s book “The Locked Up: Chronicles of the Kremlin’s central prison” was published, in which he described his time in the prison Matrosskaya Tishina. On December 17, 2011 he was elected deputy chairman of the Russian People’s Union.

**A lawyer for the far-right**

Ivan Belov became a lawyer in 2014, a week after the detention of Alexander Belov, former leader of the Movement against Illegal Immigration, the most massive organisation of Russian nationalists. Belov became his first client. Opinions have been voiced that Mironov purposely became a lawyer in order to protect “his” people – extremists and nationalists – not on a legal basis but mainly in the media sphere. Legal practitioners have even claimed that Mironov’s main “lawyer” activity is holding press conferences.

One way or another, Mironov set up his own law firm, Mironov, Kudryavtsev and Partners, whose services he actively promotes through the media, social media and even his own YouTube talk show.

Ivan Mironov is the author of scientific publications about Alaska. In 2011 he defended his Candidate of History thesis titled Russian Imperial Policy in the Development and Liberation of the North American Colonies (1799-1867). He published several books about Alaska, in which he justified the illegitimacy of the deal to sell the territory to the USA.