
Eric Zemmour

Initially a conservative newspaper journalist, his has been especially on TV. His popularity skyrocketed in the last years thanks to his participation to a daily show on the channel CNews, an important platform to spread his discourse. In 2011, he was convicted for incitement to racial discrimination, and in 2018 for incitment to hatred against Muslims. Opposing Islam, immigration, feminism while praising the collaborationist French general Philippe Pétain, count among its predilection themes. To the right of Rassemblement National, he hopes to gather the voters disappointed by the “de-demonization” of Marine Le Pen and the more radical fringe of the right-wing party Les Républicains (LR).

On November 30 2021 he announced he will run for the presidential elections. On December 5 he launched his new party “Reconquête!”.