
Denis Tyukin

A Nazi functionary from Russia who fled to Ukraine. Denis Tyukin is originally fron Kirov where he organized a branch of well-known right-wing antimigration organization DPNI. Then he took part in numerous nazi parties and organizations.

In 2014 members of the russian march led by Tyukin carried a banner “For Kiev Rus” and the flag of Ukraine in Kirov, chanting “Glory to Ukraine”! Then they painted graffiti with symbols of the Right Sector and the Social National Assembly in the center of Kirov. After that Tyukin and Ivan Mikheev the founder of WotanJugend from Kirov, were accused of extremism and inciting hatred toward communists. In 2014, he fled to Kiev, where a year later, together with Mikheev and Zheleznov, he created the “Russian Center” association, which was supposed to unite the Russian far-right in Ukraine.