
Davorin Karačić

Member of the presidency of the Croatian Sovereignists, better known as the lawyer of Marko Perković Thompson, the most popular nationalist singer in Croatia. He is known for advocating the Ustasha greeting “Ready for home”. He publicly called political dissidents and journalists “yugo-rats,” “retarded leftists,” and “bitches,” and compared them to bacteria. According to him, Milorad Pupovac and other Serbian politicians in Croatia “do not represent the Serbian people, but a minority (Serbs) who strongly hate this country and this people.” Karacic supports the deniers of the Ustasha genocide and believes that the genocide in Croatia was committed by Serbia. He claims that migrants “mostly steal, rape, physically attack people, attack women out of misogyny, beat homosexuals out of hatred”, for which they receive “incredibly low penalties”. For Croatian Peasant Party spokesperson Ivana Tomic he said that it was a pity that she was not attacked by an “immigrant rapist”, while he told Tomislav Tomasevic (major of Zagreb) “Little bum, I’ll spit in your face” and called him to a fight. He likes to wear Thor Steiner brand clothing popular among neo-Nazis, advocates for the physical punishment of children (“the rod came out of heaven”) and he believes that in Europe the process of “castration of men” is carried out.