
The Croatian weekly

The Croatian weekly (Hrvatski tjednik) systematically denies the crime of genocide committed against Jews, Roma and Serbs in the Independent State of Croatia and the Ustasha system of the Jasenovac camp. It promotes the deniers of the Jasenovac genocide and the Holocaust and calls for the financing of their activities, while in various ways it affirms the Ustasha movement and the character and work of Chief Ante Pavelić.

The media have repeatedly reported on the disgusting writing of Hrvatski tjednik. For example, for them Social Democratic Party of Croatia is “full of potential terrorists and murderers”. Ombudsman Lora Vidovic, historian Hrvoje Klasic, IDS President Boris Miletic, Zagreb Jewish Community president Ognjen He called Kraus and Milorad Pupovac “riders of the Greater Serbia apocalypse in Croatia”. They called the rape of a girl in Zadar a fabrication. They called former Presidents Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic “shameless”, Stjepan Mesic an “asshole” and Pope Francis himself an “antichrist”, spreading hatred and the most obscure conspiracy theories, such as that the coronavirus is a “planetary satanic operation of biological warfare” aimed at “chipping” a vaccine to control humanity.

The Supreme Court confirmed the conviction of the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) for the Fimi-media affair, named for the private company used to channel public funds into the HDZ’s coffers. It has been unequivocally established that Hrvatski list, which is now called Hrvatski tjednik was bought with looted money.