
Right Bloc

“Right Bloc” is a democratic movement that unites right-wing and nationalist on the basis of the ideas of national democracy. Formed in February 2018. In 2019 was an attempt to create a political party called “Third Alternative” based on the Right Bloc movement – but the party’s planned founding congress in 2020 did not take place as restrictions were imposed in Moscow due to the coronavirus.

**First action**

Right Bloc’s first action was its participation in the annual march held on 25 February 2018 in memory of the famous politician Boris Nemtsov, who was murdered in 2015. The movement built its column in the march, with banners bearing the slogans “Right Bloc Against Political Repression” and “Russian March Against Political Terror”. Right Bloc, many of whose coordinators had previously organised the Russian March, attempted to hold the same event in a new format and under the new name “Right March”, but faced opposition from the authorities.

**Public figures**

Right Bloc coordinator Vladimir Burmistrov has been nominated for the 2019 Moscow City Council elections. In 2020, the Right Bloc supported 11 candidates running in municipal elections in the Moscow region, none of whom were registered. In 2021, Dmitry Golikov, one of the coordinators of the Right Bloc movement, ran for the State Duma elections. The Right Bloc did not make any progress in the elections.