

NS/WP is a highly dangerous russian terrorist nazi group which specializes in murders. Most of the NS/WP attacks were carried out in the late 00s and early 10s, however in the end of 2021 a new ( made by NS/WP appeared.

NS/WP started as a forum which was hacked by antifashists and closed. Then opened where nazis gathered to discuss methods of committing terrorist attacks and murders. NS/WP consisted of independent terrorist cells operated in different cities. Throught years their ideology switched to peoplehate.

After few murders in different cities In 2021 the Supreme Court declared the neo-Nazi NS/WP movement terrorist and banned.

**St. Petersburg**

In 2010 members of the group “NS/WP Nevograd” were sentenced in St. Petersburg. They burned homeless people alive, assembled homemade bombs and blew up stalls, slaughtered blacks, Asians and Caucasians, and set churches on fire. The state prosecution asked for life imprisonment for the most active neo-Nazi, Hermann Wengerveld, and from 5 to 22 years for the rest. The court sentenced him to 24 years.

The group consisted of 11 young men between the ages of 17 and 24. During 2010 year they committed ten murders, five attempted murders, blew up a bus stop and set fire to a church. In 2019 new arrests of former members were made.

In 2021 the St. Petersburg City Court recognized the association “Nevograd” and “Nevograd-2”, “BTO-Nevograd”, “FirstLineNevograd” as extremism groups and banned.

**Other groups**

According to the General Prosecutor’s Office, NS/WP is an international movement. According to media reports, since 2010 NS/WP has existed in Russia as a network movement whose leaders have organized at least 18 neo-Nazi groups in different cities: Petrozavodsk, Orel, Ekaterinburg and Moscow. Orel group is well known among them as “orel partisans”, “NS/WP Center” and “Command of the united groups of the black-soil sector of occupied Russia”. Leader of “NS/WP Center” was officer of Federal Protective Service (Russia) Viktor Lukonin and few cadets from the same academy. The group consisted of a total of 11 people. Members of the group committed more than 10 arson attacks. They attacked stores, churches, sex shops, police stations, and prosecutor’s offices. In 2010, they murdered an Armenian man and then blew up a café, after which the police arrested the entire group.