
Nationalisten in Deutschösterreich

The organisation emerged from the circle of the frequently convicted neo-Nazi Gottfried Küssel – a small cadre of long-standing far right activists, that mainly operates in Vienna and Styria. For many years they were organizing around the now discontinued Website „“.
They are part of the international far-right network ‘Nation Europa!’, and maintain close contacts with the Ukrainian neo-Nazi movement (14 regiment (C14), Tradition & Order, Wotan Jugend, Avantguardia and Svoboda (Freedom)). Under the campaign name ‘Nationalists on Tour’, they travel around Europe and meet other players in the far-right scene, such as Casapound in Italy and Der dritte Weg in Germany.
They are strict opponents of the NS Prohibition Act, and the main focus of their political activities last year was on showing solidarity with the neo-Nazi rapper Manuel Eder (‘Kombaat’), who is currently in prison following a conviction under the Prohibition Act, as well as holding memorial events for National Socialists. They have also organised several protests against the FPÖ, which they criticise for being too pro-Russian. Joint hikes are also an important part of the group’s activities.
The group also operates under the names ‘Gruppe für Sport und Technik’, ‘Infokanal Deutschösterreich’, ‘Unwiderstehlich’ and ‘!’ (cover name).
