
National Movement-Network of Patriots (Movimento Nazionale – Rete dei Patrioti)

After the split in May 2020, about 50% of Forza Nuova members left the far-right party, founding the National Movement-Network of Patriots with a new congress in October 2021.
Born from the nucleus of militant communities and satellite associations already active in FN, it bases its political action on 3 principles: basic anti-leadership militancy, aesthetics and call to order, formation of members; all for the creation of a far-right National Bloc.

In their manifesto they praise a Europe of homelands, founded on national sovereignty, which establishes a strong Euro-Russian bond. At the same time, they push for an exit of Italy from the Eurozone.
Among the other twenty points are also reported anti-ecological positions, for the legitimate defense, in favor of the traditional family, with anti-abortionist positions and the ban on legal euthanasia, for the relaunch of the armed forces even with the mass draft.

The previous man from Fiore in Lombardy, Salvatore Ferrera, on Fb signs himself “SSalvatore”, with the double “S” to evoke the Nazi SS, has become coordinator of the northern macro-area, together with two other counterparts, in support of the four national referents of the Patriot Network: Roberta Perrone, Augusto Gozzoli, Giacomo Rampin, Ivano Manno.

The splinters have also taken the associations out of the black party, first of all the “Evita Peron” circles which for years have been organizing the fascist summer camps for “poor Italian children”.