
Demo für alle

The „Demo für alle“ (DfA, „Rally for all“) is an organisation of the christian right in Germany. They are strongly antifeminist and Anti-Gender.
The supporting association of the “Demo für alle” is “Ehe-Familie-Leben e.V.” based in Magdeburg. It was founded on June 21, 2015 in Stuttgart.
The chairwoman is Hedwig von Beverfoerde from Magdeburg. According to its own information, the association received “290,000 euros in small and medium-sized donations and €10,000 from the European Family Foundation” by May 2017.

The organisation was formed after some rallys in Stuttgart against a sucessfull street rallys and online petition against a teachers plan in the federal state of Baden-Württemberg with the target of anchoring the acceptance of sexual diversity.
They started in April 2015 till 2016 a own serie of rallys in the town of Stuttgart where thousands of people took part. On the peak there were over 5,000 participants in Stuttgart.

In October 2016 and June 2017 DfA also organised to rally in the town of Wiesbaden but with less success.
Since 2016 they organise annual conferences.
Also they made a nationwide Bus-Tour with the „Bus der Meinungsfreiheit“ („Bus of free speech“). This was supported by „CitizenGo“.

International Contacts:
* Ludovine de la Rochère (President of „La Manif Pour Tous“) from France
* Guillaume Got (speaker of „La Manif Pour Tous“) from France
* Albéric Dumont (Vice-President „La Manif Pour Tous“) from France
* Magda Czarnik („Stop Sexualisation of our children!“) aus Polen
* Bischop Andreas Laun (Erzdiözese Salzburg) from Austria
* Amedeo Rossetti de Scander (Anti-Gender-Movement in Itally), speaker at a rally in November 2015

First Sources:
– Homepage: (German)
– Telegram: (German)