AUF1 (Alternative Independent Television), has mainly established itself in the right-wing conspiracy theorist scene and propagates antisemitic, climate-denying and anti-trans content to an enormous audience (240,000 people on its Telegram channel alone). Some of the presenters are affiliated with the FPÖ; the programme director Andreas Retschitzegger also belonged to the Neonazi organization „Bund freier Jugend“ and was active in the FPÖ apron organization „Ring freiheitlicher Studenten“ (RFJ) . AUF1 does not have a television licence, since 2022, the Upper Austrian regional broadcaster RTV has often cooperated with AUF1, taking over their content and allowing them to use the RTV programme windows without authorisation, which led to legal proceedings. The FPÖ finances both stations massively through adverts.