
Agenda Europe

See Intolerance Network leak for Agenda Europe data.

Abstract of 2018 EPF report
“In 2013, 20 US and European campaigners began strategizing ‘achievable goals’ to roll back human rights for sexual and reproductive health in Europe. Documents have recently emerged which reveal a detailed, extremist strategy called Restoring the Natural Order: an Agenda for Europe, which seeks to overturn existing laws on basic human rights related to sexuality and reproduction, such as the right to divorce; for a woman to access contraception, assisted reproduction technologies or have an abortion; equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or intersex (LGBTI) persons; or the right to change one’s gender or sex without fear of legal repercussions. The initial group of campaigners has grown to attract over 100 anti-human rights, anti-women’s rights and anti-LGBTI organizations from over 30 European countries and now goes by the name ‘Agenda Europe’. Agenda Europe is a Vatican- inspired, professional advocacy network, whose members meet in secret, and which is directly responsible for implementing a detailed strategy to roll back human rights. The Agenda Europe strategy is producing concrete results, such as the 2016 Polish bill to ban abortion, bans on equal marriage in several Central European countries and over a dozen comparable acts at national level and in European institutions aiming to limit women’s and LGBTI rights. This paper details Agenda Europe’s aims, strategies and key players, to help human rights defenders respond appropriately”

See page 39,40 of 2018 EPF report for an overview of international personalities featuring in Agenda Europe

“Throughout their private meetings since 2013, Agenda Europe members have been able to exchange, learn from each other and strategize, like any other modern social movement. From these meetings, Agenda Europe members then deployed a range of policy initiatives at both national and European level. For example, to halt the progress on equal marriage, Agenda Europe utilized instruments for participatory democracy such petitions and citizens’ initiatives which often lead to a referendum or other formal reaction from decision-makers. This took place in Croatia[5], Slovenia[6], Slovakia[7], Romania[8] and at EU level with the failed European Citizen’s initiative entitled “Mum, Dad, and Kids”[9].
Regarding women’s right to choose, Agenda Europe members in Spain and Poland were the ones who wrote and promoted the draft laws to restrict abortion in Spain[10] severely in 2014 and the complete ban on abortion proposed in Poland[11] in 2016. At EU level, Agenda Europe members divided up the tasks among themselves in organising and collecting the 1.7 million signatures for the European Citizens’ Initiative “One of Us”[12] calling on the Commission to halt all EU funding which involved the destruction of the human embryo, which they defined as including improving maternal health in developing countries as that could include legal abortion. Altogether, in their five years of existence, Agenda Europe has been the source of at least 18 policy initiatives at a national level, the European Union and the Council of Europe, which has aimed to undermine women’s rights to abortion and LGBTQI rights. While many failed, such as their European Citizens’ Initiatives, others have succeeded, mainly in halting progress on LGBTQI rights.”

See also
Public forum: Your body is a battleground – ultra-conservative strategies to restore a “natural order”