European Parliament

Movement for a Europe of Nations and Freedom

Since the elections to the EP8 in 2014 didn‘t bring enough mandates to form an own parliamentary group, the MENF was founded as a euro-party to begin with. Previously, there were several meetings and public events of relevant actors of the EAF, who then formed, including the Lega (Nord), the foundation circle of the MENF: FPÖ, FN_f and VB.
The markedly short Political Platform of the MENF includes, besides a general avowal of democracy, above all a souvereignist identitarian vision of Europe, its peoples and its states. According to the Authority for Political Parties and Foundations in Brussels, a point on „culture as the basis of political action“ has been added to the Platform in 2017, but never openly communicated until the renaming of the MENF as Identity and Democracy Party in 2019. This thought refers to so-called (extra-parliamentary) meta-politics in the sense of New Right strategies.

EP group: ENF

ideological orientations: economic neoliberalism, value-oriented social conservatism, EU-hostility