Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
British Fascists Builds Allance With the German Far-Right
The British far-right party, Homeland, visits Germany in an apparent effort to grow their far-right network in Europe.
R.I.P. Pegida – 10 Years of PEGIDA
The final PEGIDA demonstration took place in Dresden, where it first emerged in October 2014. PEGIDA shaped public discourse in Germany, influenced the AfD, and inspired short-lived offshoots worldwide. Its rallies became a platform for international extremists, but internal fractures and declining support led to its marginalization.
What is the Christian Right?
While the Christian Right is a large cohort of voters that plays a major role in shaping politics in the USA and Brazil, it tends to be invisible in many countries in secular Europe. However, here, too, it is a factor that should not be underestimated and has its own international network. But what is the Christian Right, where does it cooperate with the secular Far Right, and how strong is it?
Rusich Fighter Yan Petrovsky’s Escape From Russia
An alleged key fighter, founding member and leader of Russia’s best-known neo-Nazi unit Rusich, Yan Petrovsky, has been detained in Finland. Kyiv has sent an official request to Finnish authorities asking for the extradition of the 36-year-old Russian neo-Nazi. Our investigation explores the many ties of Petrovsky to the Nordic and Russian neo-Nazi community.
A Broken Mirror Yet to Speak
In the already distant 2003, the torchlight procession by the name “Lukovmarch” seemed to be a harmless and at the same time somewhat supreme crown of the Transition’s creation. The initial impetus came from the entirely flattened, one-dimensional right-wing political
How Germany’s Far Right Is Building Up Anti-Immigrant Parties in the Balkans
The continued electoral success of the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) has heightened the probability for that its affiliated Desiderius Erasmus Foundation will use public funds to conduct political education promoting authoritarian national radicalism – both in Germany and abroad. In his article, Aleksandar Matković outlines the various contacts and relationships between the AfD and right-wing parties in South-Eastern Europe, especially in Serbia and Croatia. Should the Desiderius Erasmus Foundation” were to receive public funding in the near future, it would be engaged in political education that directly contradicts the original purpose of political foundations in Germany – namely, the promotion of fundamental democratic values to prevent a new fascism.