
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Rusich Fighter Yan Petrovsky’s Escape From Russia

An alleged key fighter, founding member and leader of Russia’s best-known neo-Nazi unit Rusich, Yan Petrovsky, has been detained in Finland. Kyiv has sent an official request to Finnish authorities asking for the extradition of the 36-year-old Russian neo-Nazi. Our investigation explores the many ties of Petrovsky to the Nordic and Russian neo-Nazi community.

The Far-right Wants to Make the Rest of Europe Like Italy

Interview by Antifascist Europe In September of last year, Italy’s Fratelli d’Italia party, considered the successor to Benito Mussolini’s Fascist party, gained political power. British historian and Jacobin editor David Broder recently published a new book on contemporary Italian fascists.

Far-Right Extremism Is a Threat to Germany’s Democracy

Investigations have continued into this year, with a second raid against further ReichsbĂŒrger on 22 March ending in an exchange of fire between a suspect and the police. How big is this network of far-right conspiracists, and how serious is the threat they pose to liberal democracy in Germany? Die Linke MP and spokesperson for antifascist policy Martina Renner spoke with the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation’s Anika Taschke about these questions and the fight against far-right extremism in Germany today.

Podcast Episode on the European Far-Right by Trademark Belfast

Our friends at Trademark Belfast have produced this podcast episode on the European far-right – worth checking out! MĂ©db McDaid & StiofĂĄn Ó NuallĂĄin of Trademark joined by Yolanda Gil of Spanish Union CCOO and  Mojca Zerak from Slovenian trade

A Decade of Right-Wing Radicalization

Ten years after its founding, the Alternative fĂŒr Deutschland shows no sign of moderating its politics By Gerd Wiegel The rise of Germany’s leading right-populist party, the Alternative fĂŒr Deutschland (AfD) or “Alternative for Germany”, is unprecedented in the German

Raid Against ‘ReichsbĂŒrger’: Mad in Germany

In the early morning hours of the 7th of December 2022, 3.000 police officers conducted 130 house searches and arrested 25 individuals. All of this took place in 11 Federal States including Baden-WĂŒrttemberg, Berlin, Brandenburg, Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland,

Giorgia Meloni Is a Global Phenomenon

Italy’s new prime minister belongs to a transnational network of far-right groups, of which she is now the most powerful representative. This article was first published in the Croatian weekly Novosti, 24 October 2022. Written by Hrvoje Ơimičević. In the

A marginal phenomenon for now

Original text by Damian Lawlor, Offaly and Dieter Reinisch, published in German by junge Welt on 24 April 2022. Translation by Joshua Rahtz Historical reasons, apart from a brief episode in the 1930s, a fascist movement has never been able

Germany’s anti-Covid Protests: Dangerous Self-Victimization

This article takes a look at the protests against the Corona restrictions and vaccine mandates in Germany during the Covid-19 pandemic and explains the affective dynamics behind them. After identifying far-right actors as central agitators and promoters of Covid-related conspiracy narratives and introducing the concept of affect for a general audience, it points out how self-victimization is the central affective dynamic behind the anti-covid movement in Germany.

#SayTheirNames #HanauistĂŒberall #Hanau1902

After the attack of Hanau, which marks its second anniversary, public discourse about racist violence in Germany changed. One on hand it was preceded by little to no prevention attempts, and followed by usual failures of authorities: poor investigative work, cold and disrespectful treatment of the families of the victims, and the ritualized indignation of politicians without any serious consequences. Moreover, Hanau triggered an old trauma of non-white people living in Germany: the racist othering, the daily insults and threats, ultimately violence, and the experience that their lives are less worthy of protection or grief.