Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
EUROPOL Report Covers the European Right’s Stance on Ukraine
Europol has published a report on terrorism. It mentions the far-right and the war in Ukraine There has been a significant split among the European far-right on the issue of the war in Ukraine. This is based on Europol’s European
The Greek Far Right after the rightward shift in the election
Written by Signal/ Researching and Confronting the Far Right The Greek election results are naturally multifaceted and open to various interpretations. We witnessed an overt defeat of Syriza and MeRA25, thereby of a large part of the Left. We also
The whole truth about the fighters of the RDC: Some of them are neo-nazis
The Russian-language editorial board of the German state media company Deutsche Welle published a video report about the Russian Volunteer Corps (RDC), which did not mention that neo-Nazis were serving in the unit. The relevant video was published on May
The Far-right Wants to Make the Rest of Europe Like Italy
Interview by Antifascist Europe In September of last year, Italy’s Fratelli d’Italia party, considered the successor to Benito Mussolini’s Fascist party, gained political power. British historian and Jacobin editor David Broder recently published a new book on contemporary Italian fascists.
The Russian far-right splits over Ukraine
The original publication under the headline “Die Ukrainefrage spaltet” was published in the German antifascist magazine Der Rechte Rand, November/December 2021, pages 46-47. Translated by the Antifascist Europe team with the consent of the magazine’s editors. The author of the
Russian war correspondent killed in blast in St. Petersburg
Military reporter Vladlen Tatarsky (real name Maxim Fomin) was killed on Sunday in a bomb blast at a cafe in St Petersburg. This was reported by the Russian news agency ITAR-TASS 23 people were injured in the attack, and
Podcast Episode on the European Far-Right by Trademark Belfast
Our friends at Trademark Belfast have produced this podcast episode on the European far-right – worth checking out! MĂ©db McDaid & Stiofán Ă“ Nualláin of Trademark joined by Yolanda Gil of Spanish Union CCOO and Mojca Zerak from Slovenian trade
RDK claims responsibility for the attack on villages in the Bryansk region of Russia
A neo-Nazi unit of the Russian Volunteer Corps (RDK) led by Denis Kapustin has claimed responsibility for an attack on villages in the Bryansk Region. This follows a video posted on the RDK channel. The recording shows Kapustin in white
“Russia is giving carte blanche to the far right”
A year ago, Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a war against Ukraine on the pretext of “denazification”. A year after the outbreak of war, IRGAC member Alexander Tushkin from Russia spoke to Sergey Movchan, left-wing activist and participant in the Marker project which tracks far-right violence in Ukraine, about Ukrainian nationalism, the far right and antifascists in the Ukrainian army, and how the war has affected their position in society.
Making Russia Great Again?
Written by Alexander Tushkin. He is a Russian anti-fascist journalist and visiting researcher at the Berlin School of Economics and Law. Currently, he is a fellow of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation’s International Research Group on Authoritarianism and Counter-Strategies. How the