Urgent Note on Our Reporting on Russia & Ukraine

Ukraine has since February 24th, 2022 been under siege. Due to the conditions of war resulting from the Russian invasion, we cannot at this time provide accurately validated and verified data and information on the current situation in neither Ukraine nor Russia.

The Russian regime is through warfare, crackdowns and legislation suppressing all independent and free media in both countries, this affects reporting by local and foreign journalists. The general media coverage is contaminated with propaganda.

As a result of this, we ask visitors to this site to be patient as we are steadily trying to provide validated and verifiable information on the war, its background and the role of far-right actors among those fighting in this conflict.

For more information on the war, you can follow the dossier from the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation here.

The Khalifa Ihler Institute has made a public statement against the war here. And published on How to Help the people of Ukraine here.


The Freikorps of Tomorrow

In Russia, right-wing extremists have succeeded in forcing the resignation of the chairman of the State Duma’s Nationalities Committee, Gennadij