European Parliament

European Alliance for Freedom

The EAF is the result of longtime transnational cooperation attempts to which some meetings in Austria from 2001 on belong as well as the short-lived ITS group in 2007. The EAF was created intentionally as an alliance of exposed individuals, nonetheless parties were counted as members, too. By holding several party congresses and other multilateral meetings, the EAF was working publicly, at least in the beginning, on its programmatic profile. In April 2014, with a meeting of several of their youth sections as a kick-off, there should have been created the transnational Young European Alliance for Hope (Yeah), but it didn‘t get dynamics. After EP elections the same year, no faction could be formed and when the Movement for a Europe of Nations and Freedom as another european party project was founded, the EAF lost its significance completely. Throughout its whole time of existence the EAF had representatives in the EFD and EFDD parliamentary groups. Ideologically it was compounded exceedingly heterogenous.

EP group: marginally EFD / EFDD

ideological orientation: economic neoliberalism to protectionism, value-oriented social conservatism, EU-scepticism to -hostility