European Parliament

European National Front

The ENF relyed especially on the spanish Falange, the german Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands (NPD) and the italian Forza Nuova (FNi), later above all on the romanian Noua Dreaptă. At the beginning there were some middle and eastern european splinter parties present but the polish, slovak and czech representatives left the ENF just about a year after its constitution. Despite multiple attempts of reorganization, the interest of the member parties left soon declined rapidly. But within this frame there quite a few meetings have been taken place and at times an intensive information exchange, so that, temporarily, the ENF was the most important european network project of (neo-)fascist and (neo-)nazi parties. Apart from the FNi (through its leader Roberto Fiore) none of the parties had representatives in the EP at that time.

EP group: none

ideological orientations: neo-fascism and -nazism, anti-semitism, EU-hostility