European Parliament

Identity and Democracy

Identity and Democracy is a far-right political group of the European Parliament, launched on 13th June 2019 and composed of nationalist, right-wing populist and eurosceptic national parties from ten European nations. It is the successor to the Europe of Nations and Freedom group formed during the eighth term.

On 12 June 2019, it was announced that the group would be named “Identity and Democracy” (ID), include Italy’s Lega per Salvini Premier (LSP), the French National Rally (RN) and Alternative for Germany as member parties.
It is the follower of the 2015 founded Faction „Europe of the Nations and the Freedom“ (ENF).

The group lists its core priorities as protecting European cultural heritage and the sovereignty of European nations, creating jobs and growth, increasing security, stopping illegal immigration, regulating legal immigration, fighting EU bureaucracy and preventing what it describes as the potential Islamisation of Europe. Identity and Democracy also opposes the possible accession of Turkey to the European Union. The group calls for a Europe based on cooperation and further reforms of the EU through “more transparency and accountability” at Brussels, but rejects any further evolution towards a European Superstate. Political commentators have variously described Identity and Democracy as nationalist, right-wing populist and Eurosceptic, although the group emphasises itself as sovereigntist as opposed to “anti-European”.

They have actually 73 seats.

Currently members are:
* „Alternative for Germany“ (AfD, „Alternative für Deutschland“), Germany
* „Dansk Folkeparti” (DF, „Danish People’s Party“), Danmark
* „Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs“ (FPÖ, „Freedom Party of Austria“)
* „Forum voor Democratie“ (FvD, „Forum for Democracy“), the Netherlands
* „Parti von der Vreiheid“ (PVV, „Party for Freedom“), the Netherlands
*„Lega“, Italy
* „Perussuomalaiset“ (PS, „the Finns“), Finnland
* „Eesti Konservatiivne Rahvaerakond“ (EKR, „Conservative People’s Party of Estonia“), Estonia
* „Svoboda a přímá demokracie“ (SPD, „Freedom and Direct Democracy“), Czech
* „Rassemblement National“ (RN, „National Rally“), France
* „Sme rodina“, Slowakia
* „Vlaams Belang“ (VB, „Flemish Interest“), Belgium
* „Volja“, Bulgaria
* „Vox“, Spain
* Thierry Mariani (Independent/The Popular Right)
* Jean-Paul Garraud
* „Destra Liberale Italiana“ (DLI „Italian Liberal Right“)

**First Sources:**
– Facebook:
– Facebook:
– Homepage:
– Homepage:

**Second Source:**
– Wikipedia: (English)