European Parliament

Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy

As the name suggests, the EFDD was the successor project of the EFD group. While it lost quite some rising players, as the finnish PS, the danish DF and the italian Lega (Nord), it only acquired a few new members like the swedish Sverigedemokraterna (SD) or later in the election period the german Alternative für Deutschland (AfD). On top, the EFDD experienced a short break from October 16th to 19th. In this period it didn’t match the requirement of origins to be a group (in general: MEPs from at least a quarter of the member states; concretely: MEPs from at least seven member states) because the latvian MEP Iveta Grigule-Pēterse had left the group. When the polish MEP Robert Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz joined the group the quorum was met again from October 20th on. For reasons of clarity this break won’t be displayed neither for parties nor for deputies.

extra-parliamentary alliance/party: ADDE, partly MELD, partly EAF

ideological orientations: economic neoliberalism, value-oriented social conservatism, EU-hostility