
Transatlantic summit IV in Budapest 2022

Transatlantic summit IV was held in Budapest from 26-27 May. It brought together right-wing conservatives from around the world to promote and defend traditional values, which are reflected in the summit’s programme as Life, Family, and Freedom. Well-known Hollywood conservative star Mel Gibson also [visited]( it and gave a speech.

The Summit was attended by nearly 200 political representatives, legislators and leaders of citizen organizations and academics, from more than 30 countries in America, Africa and Europe, helded this Thursday and Friday, May 26 and 27 at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

A declaration [was written]( after summit.

Organisational body of a summit is [The Political Network for Values]( And this is it’s self-description:

“The Political Network for Values is a transcontinental platform in favor of life, family and fundamental freedoms as a space of encounter and exchange of reflections and best practices. The Network and its allied organizations will gather political representatives from Europe, the Americas and other regions of the world in its 4th Transatlantic Summit, which was held in the Museum of Science of Budapest. The Summit will address the intrinsic relationship between freedom and human dignity in the face of contemporary challenges. It’s a call for political representatives, together with academics and civil society leaders, to contribute building the socio-political fabric for a free society”.