
Madrid Summit

Leaders of far-right/populist parties represented at the EU Parliament met in Madrid to discuss the creation of a wider sovereingnist alliance – they are currently mainly split into two groups at the EU parliament: Identity and Democracy (ID) and the European Conservatives and Reformists Party (ECR). A first round of discussion took place in July 2021, and a second one at a summit in Warsaw in December 2021. The goal is to reform the EU from within and reinforce national sovereignty and traditional conservative values, by creating a wider alliance providing them with greater political power. They oppose globalism, Islam, immigration. Matteo Salvini was present in July, but not later in Warsaw nor Madrid.

Participants in Madrid included:
– Santiago Abascal, Vox, Spain (organiser)
– Marine Le Pen, Rassemblement National, France
– Mateusz Morawiecki, PiS, Poland
– Viktor Orbán, Fidesz, Hungary
– Far-right politicians from Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, Lithuania, Romania and the Netherlands.