
Partei National Orientierter Schweizer

(„Party National-orientated Swiss people“)

300 or 800 (2020 self proclaimed)

**Short description:**
The Swiss Party PNOS is a traditional facscist Party founded in 2000 which imitates the fascist ‘Fronten-Bewegung’ of the 1930s.

In September 2020 the french branch of the PNOS, the PNS, declared its dissolution.
Splitof is the „Resistance Helvetique“.

The Swiss neo-fascist “Partei national orientierter Schweizer” (PNOS) announced its dissolution in a letter on February 4, 2022. Reasons included the pandemic. The party was founded in 2000.

**International contacts:**
– Casa Pound
– NPD (Germany)
– Bronson (Italy), Band
– Makks Damage (Germany), Rapper

**Primary sources:**
– Homepage: www.pnos.ch (German)
– Homepage: www.partinationalistesuisse.ch (French)

**Secondary sources:**
– Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swiss_Nationalist_Party (English)
– Antifa Bern: https://www.antifa.ch/pnos-schweiz/ (Deutsch, last update: 2017)