
Croatian Sovereignists

The party was originally founded in November 2019 as a political platform between the Croatian Conservative Party, Hrast-Movement for Successful Croatia, and some clerical groups. In 2020, the party entered Croatian Parliament in a Homeland Movement-led coalition. Croatian Sovereignists’ Club in Croatian Parlament currently has six members, but their numbers are constantly changing. Miroslav Škoro and his sister recently joined them, and Hrvoje Zekanović will probably be expelled soon. In that club we have singers of Ustasha songs, former commanders of special police units that took part in crimes against Serbian civilians, promoters of alt-right propaganda that equates belonging to the LGBT community with pedophilia and those who want to dig up the Jasenovac death camp.

Croatian Sovereignists party unification congress was held at October 2021. During the assembly it was announced merger of Hrast, the Croatian Conservative Party and alt-right Generation of Renewal, many members of the Independents for Croatia, and some from the Homeland Movement.

But soon there was a conflict, this time over the vaccination, when the most notable Sovereignists MP Hrvoje Zekanović publicly called on people to get vaccinated and criticized the far-right for being guilty of the small number of vaccinated. So he was kicked out of the party.

Jurnalist exposed that Croatian Sovereignists are forging ties with Azov’s political wing. Some former fighters of the Azov Brigade from Croatia are now members of the Sovereignists