
Verein Gedächtnisstätte

The “Verein Gedächtnisstätte e.V.” is a historical revisionist association founded in May 1992 by Holocaust deniers and Old Nazis.
Until 2010, it was based in Borna (Saxony) and later in Guthmannshausen (Thuringia). Here, the association set up an extreme right-wing memorial. Many events also take place in the manor that belongs to the site. Among the lecture-speakers were former members of the Waffen-SS and Wehrmacht.
At times, the property was guarded by neo-Nazis.
The house was severely damaged by fire in April 2021.
The board consists of Dr. Paul Latussek (chairman), Susanne Mießner (2nd chairwoman) and Klaus-Wolfram Schiedewitz.
Contacts exist with:
* „Schlesische Jugend“
* „Freundschafts- und Hilfswerk Ost“
* „Bund für Gotterkenntnis (Ludendorff)“
* „Europäische Aktion“
* Thügida

**First Sources:**
– Homepage:
– Homepage:

**Secondary Source:**
– Wikipedia: (German)