
Europa Terra Nostra

**Short description:**
The Foundation „Europa Terra Nostra“ (ETN) was founded in July 2015 in Berlin.
It is the foundation of the „Alliance for Peace and Freedom“ (APF).
It had its seat in the headquarter of the NPD in Berlin.
ETN got from the EU in the year 2016 197,625 Euro.

* chairman: Dan Eriksson from Sweden
* vice chairman: Jens Pühse from Germany
* treasurer: René Bethage from Berlin r
* assesors:
– Hynek Rynt from Czech
– Jozef Mihalcin from Slovakia
– Ivan Bilokapic from Croatia
– Nicola Cospito from Italiy
– Christian Dumitriu from Romania
– Georgios Dimitroulias from Greece

– „Clovis Institut“ (Great Britain)
– The „Europa Terra Nostra e.V.“ published in December 2021 the German translation of a book from Joseph R. Oxfield.

**First Source:**
– Homepage: (English)