
Hogar Social Madrid

Hogar Social Madrid (HSM) emerged in 2014 with the occupation of a empty property in a migrant and multicultural working-class neighborhood of Madrid. They copy the model of the Italian fascist group CasaPound, born in 2003, which started occupying a building in Rome and spread throughout the country.
In its beginnings, the HSM was linked to the Movimiento Social Republicano(MSR) and its youths, Liga Joven, formed by neo-nazis who generally acted at the university level. MSR dissolved in 2018, after twenty-nine years of activity. The HSM declares itself a national-revolutionary. HSM tries to copy the way of acting of the left social movements, from the fact of occupying abandoned spaces as headquarters, the collection and distribution of food, as well as the eventual presence in some evictions and supports spanish people without a home. His first political actions consisted of the collection and distribution of food to needy people, but but only for Spaniards under the campaign «Help the native people. Against anti-Spanish racism». The leader is Melisa Domínguez Ruíz.