
C14/The Basics of Future

**The Basics of Future (former C14)** is a radical far-right organization based in Kyiv. It was founded in 2009 by members of the Svoboda Party. From the beginning to the present day, the leader of the organization has been **Yevhen Karas**. The Basics of Future has a small number of subdivisions in other cities of Ukraine, in particular in Lviv. The number 14 in its name refers to a neo-Nazi white supremacist slogan known as David Lane’s 14 Words. Members of C14 reject the neo-Nazi connotations, stressing that it is a stylized transcription of the word Sich (Ukrainian CІЧ) – an administrative and military center of Ukrainian Cossacks in the 16th–18th centuries.

Since the beginning of their activity, members of C14 have been actively involved in street violence directed primarily against leftist and LGBT+ activists, feminists, political opponents, members of ethnic minorities (mostly Roma), journalists, etc.

C14 actively participated in the Euromaidan protests. Members of the organization controlled the Kyiv City State Administration building, which had been seized by demonstrators. They also took part in dislodging the anarchists, who tried to form their own group and become part of the Maidan Self-Defense. During the final stage of the Maidan standoff, which resulted in the deaths of dozens of protesters, C14 members were hiding in the Canadian embassy. After the protests won, C14 members took over and held the Kyiv office of the Communist Party of Ukraine for a long time.

Two members of C14, Andriy Medvedko and Denys Polishchuk, are accused of murdering the writer and publicist Oles Buzina in April 2015. The trial was accompanied by protests by nationalists, who consider the case a political persecution of the suspects. As of early 2022, the trial in the case is formally ongoing, although no court hearings do actually take place.

С14 was the first to launch a series of Roma pogroms in 2018, attacking a temporary Roma settlement on Lysa Hora in Kyiv. The destruction of the settlement received wide media coverage, and its participants repeatedly gave comments to the media. Such attention to the pogrom interested other far-right groups, after which a series of pogroms swept across the country, ending only after the murder of 24-year-old David Papa in Lviv. Such attention to the pogrom also interested other far-right groups, after which a series of pogroms swept across the country, ending only after the murder of 24-year-old David Pap in Lviv.

С14 has an extensive network of non-governmental public organizations registered to its members, including the Union of Veterans of the War with Russia, National Human Rights Center, Ukraine Military Honor and the Educational Assembly. These organizations are used to promote C14 members to the supervisory boards of state and local authorities, as well as to obtain grant funding, primarily from the Ministry of Veterans, the Ministry of Youth and Sports, and the Kyiv City State Administration, which has partner relations with C14. Between 2018 and 2020, C14 and its branches received about 6 million UAH (200,000 EUR) of budget money in support of their projects, and the funding continues.

C14 members joined the Public Council of the Ministry of Veterans of Ukraine as part of the Right-wing Veterans group. They are also members of the commission for reviewing information about high-profile developments in Kyiv. It is around the fight against housing developments, which is a very profitable business in Kyiv, that C14 mainly builds its public image.

According to its leader Yevhen Karas, the organization cooperated with the Security Service of Ukraine, although Karas later stated that this cooperation was limited to the fight against separatists. C14 also enjoyed the support of former MPs Ihor Lutsenko (Batkivshchyna), Yehor Sobolev (Samopomich), and Oleh Petrenko (Petro Poroshenko Bloc). Yevhen Karas attended the ceremony of receiving the Tomos (official recognition of the autocephaly of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine and its independence from the Russian patriarchate) next to the fifth president, Petro Poroshenko, former Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko and other politicians from the ex-president’s circle.

Members of C14 were among the founders of the **Municipal Guard of Kyiv** and joined the **Municipal Security of Kyiv**, a municipal paramilitary entity that performs auxiliary police functions. Such organizations were created by mayors of many Ukrainian cities in order to have security forces under municipal control, rather than control of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and to strengthen their own positions. People with an ultra-right background actively joined such organizations, politicizing them and using their resources to achieve their own political goals. For example, the Municipal Guard, which includes members of C14, is noted for its regular xenophobic statements and profiling of Roma people. They also participated in raids on rave clubs, popular among young people in Kyiv, presenting this as a fight against drug trafficking.

On September 28, 2019, C14 announced the transformation of the organization into the Basics of Future party. However, the nationalists failed to organize party activities. The Basics of Future remained a far-right street group.

The campaign against entertainment venues in Kyiv’s Podil gained its broadest momentum in late 2021. Members of the Basics of Future played a key role in it. Together with other far-right organizations such as the** National Resistance**, the **Right Sector**, **Tradition and Order**, the **National Corps**, and others, they tried to block venues, disrupted concerts, and broke into HVLV bar, known for its pro-LGBT+ and anti-police stance, smashing its windows.

In 2017, C14 was listed as a terrorist organization by the Terrorism Research & Analysis Consortium website TRAC.