Steve Bannon

Stephen Kevin Bannon, born 1953, is an US-American far right influencer and networker. He comes from a catholic-irish working class family.
He served as Navy Seal and later went to the Harvard University. After that he worked as Banker and became millionaire. From 2004 to 2012 he produced „documentarys“, which praised conservative persons like Sarah Palin or Ronald Reagan. His production company is called „Victory Films“.
He is a fan of Ronald Reagan, the french Monarchist Charles Maurras (1868-1952) and from the Italian Fascist Julius Evola (1898-1974).
Experts see them as important head of the alt-right. He calls himself an „economic nationalist“.
Till November 2016 he was executive chairman of the Newsportal „Breitbart-News“ (Bannon: „the platform for the alt-right“). In this function and as campaigning chief since August 2016 he strongly supports the election campaign for Donald Trump. After the election of Trump he was adjusted as staff chief of the White House.
He also was vice president of the board of the data-analytics firm Cambridge Analytica.

From 2017 till August 2017 he was a White House Chief Strategist and Senior Counselor to the President. He broke personal with Trump, but still support him.

Bannon hosted since 2019 the show „War Room on the Real America’s Voice television network“, a daily radio show and podcast.

In August 2020 Bannon was arrested and charged with conspiracy to commit mail fraud and money laundering with the „We Build the Wall“ campaign. He was pardoned by Trump before his trial date.

He went to Europe to build up a network there but still failed. For that reason he founded 2017 the foundation „The Movement“.
Executive director was Mischaël Modrikamen, the leader of the little „Belgian People’s Party“.

Bannon supports the „Dignitatis Humanae Institute“, a right-wing Catholic organization in Italy.

International Contacts to far right partys:
* Fidesz (Hungary)
* „Alternative für Deutschland“ (AfD, „Alternative for Germany“)
* „Front National“ (FN, „France’s National Front“)
* „Partij voor de Vrijheid“ (PVV, „Dutch Party for Freedom“), Netherlands
* „Freiheitlich Partei Österreichs“ (FPÖ, „Freedom Party of Austria“)
* „Lega“, Italy
* „Fratelli d’Italia“ (FdI, „Brothers of Italy“)
* „UK Conservative Party“, Great Britain
* „UK Independence Party“ (UKIP), Great Britain
* „Schweizerische Volkspartei“ (SVP, „Swiss People’s Party“), Switzerland
* „New Flemish Alliance“, Belgium
* „Vlaams Belang“, Belgium
* „Sverigedemokraterna“ (SD, „Sweden Democrats“)
* Vox, Spain
* „Prawo i Sprawiedliwosc“ (PiS, „Law and Justice“)
* Republika Srpska’s „Alliance of Independent Social Democrats“, Bosnia
* „Perussuomalaiset“ (PS, the „Finns“)

International contacts to far right individuals:
* Benjamin Harnwell, a British associate of Bannon
* Eduardo Bolsonaro, son of far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro
* Guo Wengui (Miles Kwok), an exiled Chinese billionaire businessman, Bannon was a member of Guo Media’s board of directors
* Aleksandr Dugin
* Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary

**First Source:**
– Homepage:

**Second Source: ** (English)