
Vladislav Noskov

Vladislav Maltsev (real surname Noskov) [describes]( himself as an expert on the far-right at, one of the main Russian state-owned online publications about Ukraine, which was created in 2014 by the news agency Russia Today. Yet Maltsev glosses over the fact that he himself was recently a far-rightist – and a very prominent one at that – and for which he has been repeatedly beaten up – both by anti-fascists and by his fellow comrades.

In the noughties Vladislav Maltsev became known as the author of the Nazi blogs [whitepatriot]( and [nebo slavyan]( He joined the National Socialist Society (NSO), established in 2004, and began to promote it among the far-right on, which at the time was the main social network in Russia. The NSO attracted radical Nazis who tried to come to power through street terror, but things did not go according to plan.

In January 2008, Vladislav Maltsev was [beaten]( in Kiev by anti-fascists, and already in October by former comrades. They broke both of his arms and forced him to say under the ( “I, Vlad Noskov, known as “White Patriot“ and “The Sky of Slavs“ om LJ, apologise to the National Socialists for subversion of the NS movement and mockery of the memory of the dead Roma Radio“. Roma “Radio“ Chubrevich was a Nazi skinhead and “Blood and Honour Russia“ militant. He died in August 2008 in a street fight, and Maltsev spoke unflatteringly of him.

Maltsev moved away from radical Nazis, shut down his blogs and became a journalist. In 2009, he began to publish in the Religion section of Nezavisimaya Gazeta, acting as a professional Islamophobe and making [headlines]( around the construction of mosques in the Russian hinterland and the [establishment]( of Sharia courts in Moscow. In 2014, he [became]( a contributor to Svobodnaya Presse and switched to the topic of [Ukrainian nationalism]( In 2017 Maltsev [moved]( to work for the government-affiliated scandalous online outlet Life, where he continued to write about the persecution of Orthodoxy in Ukraine and Ukrainian nazis. Now Maltsev publishes his texts about Ukrainian Nazis in the state-owned publication [](, as well as in the government-affiliated publication []( and in the openly ultra-right-wing outlets [Zavtra]( and [Tsargrad]( These are large Russian media outlets with a combined readership of millions daily.