
Manuel Ochsenreiter

**short description:**
Manuel Ochsenreiter, born 1976 and deceased in August 2021, was since 2011 publisher of the German far right Magazine „Zuerst!“.
Before he was 2004 to 2011 publisher of the German far right Military-Magazine „Deutsche Militärzeitschrift“.

In June 2014 he was speaker at the Conference „Identitarian Ideas VI“ of the Arktos-Verlag in Stockholm.
In April 2015 he was speaker at Colloquium „Europa, het Westen voorbij“ / „Europe, beyond the West“ in Antwerpen. Organiser were the „Nationalistische Studenten Vereniging“ and the Arktos-Verlag

Ochsenreiter was 2018/19 employee of the AfD-MP Markus Frohnmaier.

He was a kind of nationalist Antiimperialist and supports enemys of the United States.

**Contacts in Lebanon**
2008 he was guest of the islamist Hisbollah in the Lebanon

**Contacts in the Iran**
In September 2014 he joined the 2nd New Horizon Conference „The Israeli Lobby in Germany“ in Teheran as speaker. The participants were mostly holocaustdeniers.
He has a deeply connection to the theocraty in Iran. His book „The power of the zionist Lobby in Germany“ was 2016 puplished in Persian.

**Contacts to Pro-Russian Separatists in the Ukraine**
He was 2014 election observer in the „Peoples Republic“ in the Donbass and 2016 in the „Peoples Republic“ in the Donezk.
He is accused of organising a arson attack in the town of Uschhorod in Western Ukraine against a center of the Hungarian minority. Probably to start a civil war in this area.
The attack was carried out by members of the Polnish „Falanga“.

**Contacts in Russia**
He is a friend of the Russian Fascist Aleksander Dugin.

**Contacts in Serbia and Republic Srpska**
In April 2014 he joines in Banja Luka (Bosnia-Herzegowina) a Symposium „Coloured revolutions as an instrument of geopolitical transformation“ with Ana Filimonova (Chief editor von „Strategic Culture Foundation“), Sergey Belous, Predrag Ceranic (Professor in Banja Luka), Aleksandar Pavic (Analytic of the „Strategic Culture Foundation“), Danijel Simic (Director of the Belgrad Buero of the „Strategic Culture Foundation“), Neven Djenadija, Dia Nader de al-Andari (ambassador of Venezuela in Belgrad), Stephen Karganovic (President of the „Srebrenica Historical Project“), Dzevad Galijasevic (Soziologe) and Srdja Trifkovic,
In October 2014 he joined the Conference „Paris – Berlin – Moscow – Belgrade: New Agreement in Europe“ in Belgrad.

**Secondary source: **
– Wikipedia: (German)