
Ursula Haverbeck

Ursula Haverbeck was born 8th of November 1928 and is a prominent holocaust denialer.
Her dead husband Werner Georg Haverbeck (+ 1999) was a high rank Nazi member.
Since 2004 she has been the subject of lawsuits and convicted due to her Holocaust denial, a criminal offense in Germany. She was sentenced to jail for her Holocaust denial. For this she became a martyr of the neofascist movement.
From 1992 to 2003 she was the first chairperson of the newly founded Memorial Sites Association (German: „Verein Gedächtnisstätte e.V.“). Also she was member and deputy director of the “Society for the Rehabilitation of Those Persecuted for Refutation of the Holocaust” (German: „Verein zur Rehabilitierung der wegen Bestreitens des Holocaust Verfolgten“), founded on 9 November 2003 and was banned in May 2008 by the German Government.
For the European elections in May 2019, Ursula Haverbeck was the “top candidate” of the neo-Nazi small party “Die Rechte”.

**Second Source:**
– Wikpedia: (English)