
Gottfried Küssel

Gottfried Küssel (* 1958) from Wien is a holocaust denier and a long time Neonazi.
He is member of the ‘Studentenverbindung’ Corps Danubo-Markomannia.
In 1986 he was founder ander leader of the „Volkstreue außerparlamentarischen Opposition“ (VAPO) in Austria.
Since 1987 he was „Bereichsleiter Ostmark“ (sub-commander in Austria) for Michael Kühnen.
He was sent to prison for eleven years because of his Nationalsocialist activities.
After that he was initiator of the Neonazi-Website
In 2021 he was part of the protests of the covid deniers.

**Second Source: **
* Renato Laut: Gottfried Küssel – Eine (österreichische) Neonazi-Karriere, 10.11.2021, (German)