Great Britain

Mark Collett

Founder and leader of fascist party Patriotic Alternative (PA). He is a [former director of publicity for the British National Party]( (BNP) and [chairman of the youth BNP]( Collett stood trial alongside then BNP leader Nick Griffin for inciting racial hatred but was found not guilty. Collett left the BNP and was questioned by police for allegedly threatening to kill Griffin.

After disappearing from far-right politics for a few years, [Collett re-appeared running a stall for ‘Vote Leave’ during the EU referendum campaign]( Collett was pictured standing alongside Wayne Bell, a violent neo-Nazi from banned terrorist group National Action (NA). The next year [Collett was filmed attending a neo-Nazi training session]( where he practiced boxing with another [prominent former member of NA, Garron Helm](

Collett used YouTube to build a following of nearly 100,000 subscribers and had a sizable Twitter following, [once being retweeted by Donald Trump Jr]( Collett has since been banned by nearly all mainstream social media platforms and has a much smaller following on several ‘alt-tech’ platforms which he uses to promote and organise PA.